about this website

All images, text copies, code snippets are collected form various sources. Some are with and some are without copyrights. The purpose of this website is for educational purpose only as described in the file readme.md on this Jadon GitHub Repository which is also the repository for this website. The website is a school project. For this purpose the website is intended for a limited number of teachers and students view only.

The creator of this web site welcome everyone to view the website. It is not the purpose of the author of this website to use the whole or any part of this website for any commercial purpose and he does not encourage anyone to do so. Anyone who do use the whole or part of this website for any purpose may face and will solely bear the risk of legal challenges risen from the above mentioned copyrights.

All events depicted in this website, even though using some real name of real people, are fictional and fabricated by the author to have story about the company Jadon Event Management, also a fictional company, which was given by the school in the requirement of the school Project. Non of these events are true or reflect the character of these real people.